Here's the monthly Street Team Rafflecopter to track social media activity. Do the tasks on the list and come back here to post the link. The more you post, the more chances you have to win. I'll also be using this to track overall activity and the one who does the MOST for the duration of the Rafflecopter will win an extra prize!
- Random Prize Draw: $10 Gift Card (Amazon, B&N or iTunes) – Winner's Choice
- Most Activity: A signed trade paperback copy of Midnight Conquest, Book 1 in the BBB series.
You COULD win BOTH! Good luck!
I've also posted some tips on how to get the share and post links from the various social media venues. And thank you!!!
How to Grab a Specific Social Media Link
Click on the images below to enlarge them.
On Facebook
Whatever post you share or author yourself on Facebook, the easiest way is to click the TIME you posted/shared the message:
On Twitter
Any tweet on Twitter can be traced to the tweet page by clicking on the body of the tweet, which opens the full view, and then clicking on the DETAILS link:
I believe everything is pretty straight forward. Thank you!