The Unicorn – Seeing is Believing!
Some things need to be believed to be seen…and the unicorn is one of them! This rhyming fantasy picture book for very young readers takes children on a quest to find the fabled unicorn. Illustrated with hidden pictures of unicorns, it provides an interactive journey for parents and children alike.
Genre/Category: fantasy fiction, children's fantasy, bedtime story, young readers
Status: Published September 16, 2010
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Author Notes
I'm proud to announce my mother did the artwork for this beautiful book and it has been a labor of love for us both. She's a fabulous artist and I encourage you to visit her web site to see a sample of the book and more of her artwork: Mildred L. Losee – Mildred does water colors and acrylic art, including some fantasy subjects like Harry Potter and mermaids.
The unicorn has always been a prominent fantasy figure in my life since childhood. My bed was filled with stuffed unicorns. My shelves were stacked with books containing unicorns. I did a book report on the unicorn when I was in high school and my pen name (Arial) is from my favorite unicorn book Ariel by Steven R. Boyett. I've written poetry about unicorns and my spirit guide is a unicorn named MaeDawn. When my mother retired and picked up her paint brushes again, I knew we had to do a project together and Where Art Thou Unicorn seemed the perfect first project for us. She was the one who introduced me to the world of fantasy and fairy tales, so I dragged her into this endeavor. It is, after all, her fault that I'm a writer of fantasy fiction. 😉
ISBN/EAN13: 1453677267 / 9781453677261
Page Count: 48
Binding Type: US Trade Paper
Trim Size :8″ x 10″
Language: English
Color: Full Color with Bleed
Related Categories: Juvenile Fiction / Readers / Beginner